Mitochondrial research

An interesting audio clip detailing advances in mitochondrial research.

Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with Dr. Gerard Davis, the CEO of Catapult Genetics, who talks about genetics testing in the cattle industry, and Australia’s Dr. Paul Fisher talks about mitochondrial diseases and the research he is undertaking to meet the challenge.

mitomate your eyes and ears down under, but hey don’t be shy if your know some good news facts please post them on my wall.

white walls are boring – mitomate

The Need for Science

Mitochondrial disease is a relatively new disease, whilst children have suffered from this condition for hundreds of years I imagine most would not have survived childhood.

We have created an incredible future for our world, however with these advances come the insidious and hidden side effects. Environmental damage is not only those unsightly images of rubbish on our beaches or animals caught in discarded nets adrift in the ocean.

The greatest concern to mankind should be the integrity of our DNA or those chemical and substances which are causing damage to animals and humans alike. We have created a new and exciting world one that I feel blessed to be a part of.

Now how do we fix the problems that mankind is creating, there are so many mutagenic agents that we are exposed to everyday, agents in everything we eat, touch, breath and wear. I am personally glad the green movement is make everybody aware of this problem. Yet I rarely hear the church regardless of faith condemn this assault on our DNA and future health,.

Why is it then that religious zealots must condemn good science that has so many possible benefits to mankind. There are millions of people around the world living with genetic disease from a mild hearing problem to a severe mitochondrial condition. Collectively these conditions cost our society trillions of dollars a year globally, in Australia this will be counted in Billions. 

A recent breakthru by a team in the UK caused much uproar by the zealots of the world, “how dare science make a child free of mitochondrial disease they say”. When science can bring three parties together to create a healthy child free of a deadly disease or a lifetime of suffering surely this is good science.

I only ask the zealots to read their history books and focus on the past and keep their nose out of the future where they do not belong nor are they wanted.

Please follow this link to read more:

Conductive Education in Western Australia

Conductive Education (CE) is located at the Carson street school in Victoria Park, Perth.

For those that are not sure what CE is or how it helps our kids with a disability please read on. CE is a school based program that allows children to learn how to communicate but also teaches them how to use thier body, to sit, stand and walk all those thing most people take for granted these kids must be taught.

Without the dedicated teachers, conductors and assistants these kids really would have limited scope to achieve learning the basic skills required to attend a mainstream school. As Jacks Dad it is my responsibility to teach Jack all of those skills to live in this world, but in reality how can I teach those thing I do not know. CE has opened my world to the possibilities that are available to my son. CE has taught me the necessary skills I need to ensure Jack continues to learn and practice his new skills at home.

Its amazing how much Jack has developed in 18 Months, from the first day he attended the program until today. I literally have a new little boy, one who is learning to do things for himself unaided. We are a long way from walking but we hope he may crawl this year.  

There is currenty only one CE program that is supported by the Education Department in W.A. This program has a waiting list a mile long, there are many parents with the hope their child will one day have the opportunity to attend this program. Yet this may not happen, funding for CE is under doubt they only receive $200,000 per year and this is barely enough  to meet costs.

CE needs your support


CAPTAIN Jack White on A Whale Hunt

Jack Learning To Walk – Early Intervention

Jack White has a rare Mitochondrial disorder, learning to walking consumes all his energy. Everything we take for granted Jack has to train his body to do. Jack is looking for a cure so that he can one day climb tall mountains.


Early Intervention Programs:

Initially this will cover early intervention programs provided by the Cerebral Palsy Center in Perth and the Conductive Education conducted at the Carson Street School, other early intervention programs will be included as they are researched or information provided.

My son Jack was fortunate to be accepted by the Cerebral Palsy Center in Perth’s – Kids Can  early intervention programme. The dedicated staff working for the center have provided us with structured programmes that are working to strengthen Jacks body and improve his cognitive functions, these include communication skills.


MITO Newsletter

Newsletter – Aussie MITO Mates

To recieve information directly targeted for parents and children who find themself wanting to know more about Mitochonrial disorders, treatments and equipment that can improve your quality of life.

This is a Newsletter written by parents of a 3 year old boy suffering a Mitochondrial disorder for parents of other children who also have Mitochondrial or genetic disorders.

The content will be focused on the questions parents ask us and also the articals that are submitted to this website for posting onto the blog.

All articals will be be displayed in the resources section of this website.

This newsletter will only released four times a year at this time. We intend that the newsletter only has the highest quality information targeted to benifit families.

The same information that helps our son Jack and information that other parents have found to be invaluable improving the quality of life for their children.

We also maintain a daily Blog that will contain more regular press releases regarding advances in Mitochondrial research and treatments and also information that we believe you want to know ASAP.

Consider also subscibing to the Mitochondrial disorder BLOG just have a look at the box on the left of the page marker with RSS, there is also a explaination on HOW TO DO IT

Visit our feedback link to help us improve this site, your advice will help me to provide a better resource, I’m not a professional web designer, just a dad trying to make a difference and give my son a chance to climb tall mountains and see the sun rise where other fear to tread.

Lets get the word out there and CURE THIS DESEASE.

Regards Trevor

Our Son -Jack White

Jack White

Jack White

Jack decided he wanted to come into this world one month early and so he did.  Whilst the timing was unexpected, all went well throughout the birth and Jack came into this world taking a big gasp of air and letting out a loud cry (as newborns often do).  These were all good signs; I was thrilled, Trev was beaming (being the proud and wonderful Dad he is), and it was all very encouraging and there was no reason for concern.  We were elated and quite unprepared for our new arrival, but still very excited.  Jack was very small, but proved early on that his lungs worked just fine however; he was kept in a humidicrib for the first few days just to monitor his temperature. 

Jack was just 4’11oz at birth, and to ensure he gained weight quickly he was tube fed whilst in NICU (neo-natal intensive care) as his paediatrician was concerned he may burn up to much body fat trying to suckle.  In hindsight, it seems the real problem was his body couldn’t generate enough energy and would tire easily.

Jack took to the bottle at just 4 days old and was content drinking his formula.  We left hospital with Jack after 7 days and his doctor’s were satisfied with his weight gain during that time.  We were just delighted that we were able to take our beautiful little boy home and grateful that he was strong and healthy.  During the first 3 months everything appeared fine and okay, we were busy settling into our new role as parents and getting use to all things ‘baby’ whilst doing our best despite feeling sleep deprived at times.  Jack was a good sleeper, and an easy baby to settle.  He was gaining weight at a satisfactory rate and continuing to develop just as you would expect an infant would.   

As Jack approached the 4 month mark we began to notice subtle differences in him.  He seemingly took a long time to finish each bottle of milk (in some cases up to 45mins) and when held upright he had a tendency to tilt his head right back, as if he had a flip-top head, he would gaze up at the ceiling and this significant head lag became more pronounced over time.  He lacked the muscle tone and strength relevant to an infant his age and his reflexes weren’t as strong either.  A routine visit to his paediatrician resulted in him saying “there was no immediate cause for concern”, as he felt this was something that may improve with time, he suggested we change the teat in Jack’s bottle to improve the flow rate and that would speed up the amount of time it took to feed Jack.  “Simple”, I thought, great I can do that, problem solved.  I left feeling reassured that everything was okay and content in the knowledge that children all develop in their own time.

Three weeks after that visit, I received a phonecall from his paediatrician saying that he had given our conversation and his physical examination of Jack greater consideration and he suspected Jack’s low muscle tone was attributed to‘Prada Willy Syndrome’.  He asked me to make an appointment for a consult at Hunter Genetics Clinic with a view to getting Jack tested for this condition.  He told me not to be concerned and when I asked for more information, he chose his words carefully and cautiously urged me not to research this condition on the internet, as websites were often unreliable and misleading.  Of course, our instincts told us otherwise and we madly jumped on the internet researching every case study and white paper we could lay our hands on after all, to be informed is to be empowered.  However, this sparked fear and panic in us as parents (particularly as I already know of a family with a beautiful little girl inflicted with Prada Willy Syndrome) and we knew the outlook was bleak.




Unrelenting in our quest for answers, we managed to secure an appointment with the Hunter Genetics Clinic in a matter of weeks and we reluctantly read
and completed the pre-work information they provided us.  This sent shivers through us and left us emotionally depleted as we were left to contemplate ‘where to from here’ whilst awaiting our consult with the genetic specialist.

This is the Start of a Very long Journey


To Be Continued…

What Is Mitochondrial Disease?



 The United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation offers this analogy to help you understand. If your power goes out in your home, your food spoils, your heating/air conditioning does not work, and you’re left in darkness. You call your local power supplier to report the problem.

The Mitochondria is the part of the cell responsible for energy production. It is very much like the power supplier that provides energy to your home. If the mitochondria is defective, your body cannot function as it should. The brain becomes impaired, muscles start to twitch spastically and weaken, the heart does not pump correctly, vision becomes impaired and the list can go on. For many children and adults with mitochondrial disease, this is exactly what they experience.

To give you a more “scientific explanation”, look at this picture of a mitochondrion, showing you the basic structure of a mitochondrion, which are present in every cell in our bodies: mitochonria Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the human cell; they convert the energy stored in sugars and fats into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the essential energy molecule of all animals.

This energy production is carried out on a complex folded inner membrane of the mitochondria (see the picture above). Every muscle cell is filled with mitochondria, combining sugars or fats with oxygen to yield water and ATP. Without this ATP, we would die, having no “power” left. Mitochondrial cytopathies have a diverse range of symptoms, and span many (all) organ systems.

There is such a large number of biochemical and genetic defects, that currently a predictable clinical course does not exist. Using the description above, the analogy of a power supplier not supplying enough energy is a good one. The mitochondrion in the above picture is only one of many in your cells.

The reason people manifest with SO many different problems is based on the percentage of “bad” mitochondria that get assigned to that part of the body. In our own family, some kids obviously have a higher percentage of bad mitochondria in their muscles than some of their siblings, while others have more brain (neurological) problems. This chart shows you a basic idea of how this can happen. Keep in mind that men do not contribute mitochondria, but that does not mean that only the mother causes mitochondrial disease, as there can be mutations.

mitochondria family inheritanceHere’s the simplest way to explain what happens. The food we eat gets broken down and assigned in various fashion. The fats and sugars go through processing, and there’s quite a bit involved in this. If you get into this stuff more, you’ll hear all about the respiratory chain and ATP, which is the end result, or energy. The mitochondria in a cell have to go through five “complexes” to create energy. An error in any of those complexes is bad, but obviously there can be varying degrees of how big the error is, and where it occurs in the energy making process. Mitochondria are responsible for producing 95% of the energy that’s needed for our cells to function. In fact, they provide such an important source of energy that a typical human cell contains hundreds of them.

A mitochondrial disease can shut down some or all the mitochondria, cutting off this essential energy supply. Because muscle cells and nerve cells have especially high energy needs, muscular and neurological problems are common features of mitochondrial disease. MDA uses this picture to help illustrate:

mitochonria cell

When Should I Suspect Mitochondrial Disease?

As you read this, it may be nothing like what your child has. When should you investigate mitochondrial disease in your child, or even in yourself? Here are some “considerations” of when to think about mitochondria:

 1. Consistently elevated lactate levels in the blood.

 2. A “common disease” (i.e. autism, cerebral palsy, lots of others) has atypical features that set it apart from the pack.

 3. Three or more organ systems are involved.

 4. Recurrent setbacks or flares in a chronic disease occur with infections.

 5. Above “rules of thumb” from Mitochondrial News, Spring 2000 Issue by Dr. Robert K. Navaiaux.



Myopathy – The main symptoms of mitochondrial myopathy are muscle weakness and wasting, and exercise intolerance. It’s important to remember that the severity of any of these symptoms varies greatly from one person to the next, even in the same family.

Weakness and wasting usually are most prominent in muscles that control movements of the eyes and eyelids. Two common consequences are the gradual paralysis of eye movements, called progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO), and drooping of the upper eyelids, called ptosis. Often, people automatically compensate for PEO by moving their heads to look in different directions, and might not even notice any visual problems. Ptosis is potentially more frustrating because it can impair vision and also cause a listless expression, but it can be corrected by surgery, or by using glasses that have a “ptosis crutch” to lift the upper eyelids.

Jack experiences generalized muscle weakness and tires easily because of a suspected mitochondrial myopathy.

 Mitochondrial myopathies can also cause weakness and wasting in other muscles of the face and neck, which can lead to slurred speech and difficulty with swallowing. In these instances, speech therapy or changing the diet to easier-to-swallow foods can be useful. Sometimes, people with mitochondrial myopathies experience loss of muscle strength in the arms or legs, and might need braces or a wheelchair to get around.

 Exercise intolerance, also called exertional fatigue, refers to unusual feelings of exhaustion brought on by physical exertion. The degree of exercise intolerance varies greatly among individuals. Some people might only have trouble with athletic activities like jogging, while others might experience problems with everyday activities like walking to the mailbox, or lifting a milk carton.

 Sometimes, exercise intolerance is associated with painful muscle cramps and/or injury-induced pain. The cramps are actually sharp contractions that may seem to temporarily lock the muscles, while the injury-induced pain is caused by a process of acute muscle breakdown called rhabdomyolysis. Cramps or rhabdomyolysis usually occur when someone with exercise intolerance “overdoes it,” and can happen during the overexertion or several hours afterward.


While mitochondrial myopathies and encephalomyopathies are relatively rare, some of their potential manifestations are common in the general population. Consequently, those complications (including heart problems, stroke, seizures, migraines, deafness and diabetes) have highly effective treatments (including medications, dietary modifications and lifestyle changes).

 It’s fortunate that these treatable symptoms are often the most life-threatening complications of mitochondrial disease. With that in mind, people affected by mitochondrial diseases can do a great deal to take care of themselves by monitoring their health and scheduling regular medical exams.

 Instead of focusing on specific complications of mitochondrial disease, some newer, less-proven treatments aim at fixing or bypassing the defective mitochondria. These treatments are dietary supplements based on three natural substances involved in ATP production in our cells.

 One such substance, creatine, normally acts as a reserve for ATP by forming a compound called creatine phosphate. When a cell’s demand for ATP exceeds the amount its mitochondria can produce, creatine can release phosphate (the “P” in ATP) to rapidly enhance the ATP supply. In fact, creatine phosphate (also called phosphocreatine) typically provides the initial burst of ATP required for strenuous muscle activity.

 Another substance, carnitine, generally improves the efficiency of ATP production by helping import certain fuel molecules into mitochondria, and cleaning up some of the toxic byproducts of ATP production. Carnitine is available as an over-the-counter supplement called L-carnitine.

 Finally, coenzyme Q10, or coQ10, is a component of the electron transport chain, which uses oxygen to manufacture ATP. Some mitochondrial diseases are caused by coQ10 deficiency, and there’s good evidence that coQ10 supplementation is beneficial in these cases. Some doctors think that coQ10 supplementation might also alleviate other mitochondrial diseases.

 Creatine, L-carnitine and coQ10 supplements are often combined into a “cocktail” for treating mitochondrial disease. Although there’s little scientific evidence that this treatment works, many people with mitochondrial disease have reported modest benefits. At the very least, there appear to be almost no harmful side effects to the three supplements when they’re taken in moderation, but you should consult your doctor or MDA clinic director before taking any of them.


Mitochondria are like little “factories” in each of the cells of the body that are responsible for making 95% of the body’s source of energy. The cells in the body, and especially in organs such as the brain, heart, muscle, kidneys and liver, cannot function normally unless they are receiving a constant supply of energy. The energy is produced in the form of a chemical called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) that is used by the body to drive the various reactions essential for body functioning, growth and development. A number of biochemical reactions that occur in an ordered sequence within the mitochondria are responsible for this process of ATP production. These reactions are under the control of special proteins called enzymes. The genes found within the mitochondria contain the information that codes for the production of some of these important enzymes.



The biochemical processes which occur in the mitochondria and produce energy are known as the “mitochondrial respiratory chain”. This “chain” is made up of five components called Complex I, II, III, IV and V. Each of these complexes are made up of a number of proteins. The instructions for these proteins to be produced by the cells are contained in a number of different genes.

 There are over 80 different genes needed to produce the components of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Some of these genes are found in mitochondria rather than in the nucleus.

 Changes (mutations) in any of these mitochondrial genes that make them faulty can result in biochemical problems due to absence or malfunctioning of the enzymes involved in the respiratory chain complexes. This leads to a reduction in the supply of ATP. This can have severe consequences, resulting in interference of body functions including any of the following, either in isolation or in various combinations.



General: small stature and poor appetite

 Central nervous system: developmental delay / intellectual disability, progressive neurological deterioration (dementia such as the late-onset form of Alzheimer disease), seizures, stroke-like episodes (often reversible), difficulty swallowing, visual difficulties and deafness Skeletal and muscle: floppiness, weakness and exercise intolerance Heart: heart failure (cardiomyopathy) and cardiac rhythm conditions Kidney: problems in kidney function


The number of mitochondria in every cell of a person’s body varies from a few to hundreds. All of these mitochondria, and therefore the DNA within the mitochondria, descend from the small number of mitochondria present in the original egg cell at the time of that person’s conception. The sperm does not contribute any mitochondria to the baby.

 Thus an individual’s mitochondria are only inherited from his or her mother. A change in one of the mitochondrial genes that makes it faulty (mutation) can therefore be passed by the mother in her egg cells. As most of the mother’s egg cells carry the same mitochondrial mutation, the risk of this mother having another affected child with the mitochondrial condition is high. This pattern of inheritance is therefore referred to as maternal inheritance.

 The egg cell contains many mitochondria, each having on average one to several copies of the mitochondrial genes. If a particular gene in every mitochondrion in an egg cell is faulty and therefore is sending the incorrect instructions, the disruption to energy production would be so severe that the early embryo would probably not survive. Thus the fact that a person survives to birth and is affected with a mitochondrial condition, means that they would have inherited two types of mitochondria from his or her mother: some containing the correct copy of the gene, and some containing the faulty gene.

The correct copy of the mitochondrial gene will still be able to send the correct instructions, but the amount of energy produced may be impacted and may result in a mitochondrial condition. On the other hand, having some mitochondria with a faulty gene may cause no problem at all as described in the video above.



In some cases, the change in the mitochondrial gene occurs for the first time in the egg or at the time of fertilisation of the egg: a new or spontaneous mutation. In this case the affected person is the first in the family to be affected by the condition and the condition is described as sporadic.

 Usually, however, the mitochondrial mutation is inherited from a mother whose own cells, including her egg cells, contain both correct and faulty copies of this mitochondrial gene. An example of a pattern of inheritance in a family of a genetic condition due to a faulty gene in the mitochondria.

 The mother has one or more faulty mitochondrial genes but is not affected because she has enough correct copies to enable most of the mitochondria in her cells to work correctly. While she has passed on these faulty mitochondrial genes to her children through her egg, not all are affected by the condition.

 This is because there is a “threshold effect” with mitochondrial faulty genes. Because of the way the mitochondria are randomly distributed into the egg cells when they are forming in the ovary, each egg cell’s individual mitochondrial composition may vary from mostly correct to mostly faulty. Therefore, all of the children of this mother, regardless of the sex of the child, would inherit some faulty mitochondria, but the child would only develop symptoms if the proportion of mitochondria with the faulty gene reached a critical level which interfered with energy production in the vulnerable body organ.

 It is only when there are so many copies of the faulty mitochondrial genes present in the cells that the correct copies are unable to provide enough correct gene product, and the person will be affected by the condition. So even though two of her children who are unaffected have inherited the faulty mitochondrial genes, they have more correct copies than faulty copies.

 The shaded individuals are all affected by the condition. Importantly, while not all of their mitochondrial genes are faulty, the number of mitochondria containing faulty genes is above the threshold for causing the condition.

While her son is affected, that son’s children are not at risk for inheriting the condition as the mitochondria are only passed to children from the mother through the eggs.

 Her daughters are at risk of having an affected child, regardless of whether they themselves are affected. It is difficult to give a precise estimation of this risk as it will depend on how many faulty mitochondria are in the egg at the child’s conception.



While it is possible to test for the presence or absence of some faulty mitochondrial genes and their products during pregnancy, it is very likely that prenatal testing for a mitochondrial DNA mutation would give an incorrect or unhelpful result.

 On the one hand, the prenatal test could predict that the baby would not be affected when in fact the baby could turn out to be affected. Alternatively, if the testing showed the baby did have the faulty mitochondrial gene, it is not possible at this stage to reliably predict how severely the baby would be affected.

Genetic counselling can provide the most current information on the availability and appropriateness of testing for mitochondrial conditions, either in an affected person or during pregnancy.

Team Jack

The White Family

We decided to start Team Jack in 2008 to thank the many hard working people who contribute to Jack and make his World a better place to be.

The people hosted on Team Jack give so freely of their skills knowledge and energy. It is with their assistance Jack will grow into a strong healthy man.

We have a long list of people we plan to host on Team Jack, so please visit you may no somebody.

Charmaine and I thankyou on behalf of Jack

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